Heart and Hustle: Visionaries, Healers, and Shakers
with your host, Paulette Rees-Denis
and today’s guest, Katherine Campbell, Ukelele Player!, #188

Hello lovey…

What a delight to share Katherine Campbell with you today…how her life changed at age 62! From quitting her corporate marketing career to venturing into teaching wellness and fitness and then she started singing in a choir, never had any history in singing!

Then she heard a ukelele jam and changed her course… she went out immediately and bought one, then incorporated that into her workout programs and then went full force into playing the uke. She plays around town (she now lives in Palm Springs, moving back to CA from Florida) for lots of older folks.

And then, she decided to go back to college to get an Associates degree in Applied Music (she already has a Masters!), and now wants to just play music!

What a lively conversation, you will enjoy our chat!

Watch and listen on YouTube!


Listen on SoundCloud

More about Katherine:

My love of seniors and playing my ukulele pulled me to entertaining those afflicted with dementia. Having never sung or having played an instrument, I joined a local chorus and learned how to sing and play simple chords on the ukulele at the age of 62. 

I moved to Palm Springs in the fall of 2020. Since then I have secured several regular clients, joyfully bringing memories through oldies but goodies to many memory care communities in the valley.

This past year, I began a degree program, studying voice, at our fabulous local college, College of the Desert. I am surrounded by 19 and 20 year olds. There is great joy in singing together and encouraging each other. I am so grateful to be accepted into these creative young people’s world! 

So now, it’s never too late to pick up an instrument, or take a dance class, or paint a picture, or write a poem! How much fun you can create for yourself and your people around you, and inspire others too!

Thanks for being here, my friends… let me know your thoughts!

love you,


What’s coming up?

I”ve got two offerings for you coming up!

Costa Rica Retreat -Early Pricing Special NOW- August 15th!!

Late Summer Session: A Journaling Exploration into Your Divine Feminine Sensuality