What are you waiting for?
Hey lovey, I’m curious…
How many times have you said,
“I will get to that later”,
“I really want to go there, maybe next year”,
“ I can’t afford to do that thing I really desire to do”
“I’d like to be in better shape, but I’ll eat this cake now, and start next week!”
“I’ll wait for the right time.”
Or heard your friends say something like that.
I had a client tell me how much she really wanted to go to Spain, that she had dreamed of it for years. I asked her when she was going to go. No plans for it yet, was her reply. I asked how bad she wanted to go, or if she was continuously telling herself a story that wasn’t true. She said that oh yes, she really wanted to go.
You’ve heard this before.
If not now, when?
And I ask you, What are you waiting for?
How often do you put things off that would mean a lot to you?
Do you procrastinate on your own desires?
Put other things of less importance first? Or other people?
Or think you don’t know how to get started toward that goal?
Or even that you aren’t really worthy of doing that thing
Journaling prompt for you:
- What are you really truly, with all your heart, wanting to do? Or travel to? Or create?
- What’s stopping you?
- What can you change to make that dream happen?
I say, Make a move!
- Move your body.
- Take one small step.
- Make a MAP (my Magic Action Plan!)
- Envision it happening. That you are already doing it, or already there. (This is an important step!)
Yes, I have a bucket list of dreams. I like to explore. I am curious. I enjoy new things and new places and new foods. And I know that that first step can often be the hardest. I remember way back when I once went repelling, when you go down a rock wall tied to ropes. Stepping backwards off that cliff was the hardest part, scary, sweaty even, but once I did, I had the momentum to go down that wall and enjoy the ride! No turning back.
So isn’t it time that you invest in yourself and your dreams? It is not selfish to put yourself first. That is the beauty of self-care and self- love, and living this only one life that you have, right now!
Step into your life more fully, being more present, and in the moment! And imagine how that will feel!
So you can feel good, feel great, light up and be on fire for living!
- What can you change to make that dream happen?
I’ve always wanted to go to Costa Rica. So I am making it happen.
And now not only am I going, but I’m leading a women’s retreat there to a gorgeous place with gorgeous women who are wanting to embody their dreams, step into their divinity, take charge of their lives, and enjoy this fascinating journey!
I LOVE leading women on my retreats ( 30 years plus) for change, for adventure, for transformation, and for FUN!
Want to join us? Check it out here
And the Special Early pricing ends this Thursday, my birthday! A present for you to save $500!
So again, I ask you to Make a Move, toward YOU, and what you are wanting to do with your one and precious life! Don’t wait, take the first step.
Tell me about it! You’ve got this!
And if you are wanting more support, I”m here for you, let’s talk…
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