Paulette’s Musings

Another Lively Conversation Today! Join me…

Another Lively Conversation Today! Join me…

Embracing change during midlife is a profound journey for us women, and I have gone through these changes myself! And come out of them as well, with fire and success and a new voice and vision! Make sure to join me today! Another Lively Conversation with me, for you...

Intentions and Self-Care

Intentions and Self-Care

Good morning Tuesday! Let’s talk about this mid-life thing and how we can step into more self-care and self-awareness and honor our sacred temple, this glorious bod ,and set ourselves up for success! As a creative woman in your midlife experience, have you spent...

To embody your dreams

To embody your dreams

MOVEMENT, MOMENTUM, AND MAGIC– Transformational Lifestyle and Creativity CoachingWhat does it mean to embody your dreams? To feel so deeply what you are desiring, to feel it in your body, to let the vision unfold for you so that you can bring it to you, become a...

Your Word is Your Wand! Join us…

Your Word is Your Wand! Join us…

Hello there, Being a Word Witch Words have power. They can heal, they can wound, they can inspire, and they can destroy. As a word witch, I use the power of words to create positive change in the world. In my world. In my life. What is a word witch? A word witch is...

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