Paulette’s Musings

Make time your friend!

Make time your friend!

Make time your friend! What goes on your calendar this week, goddess? Put YOU in your datebook. The things you desire to do, the things that make you feel good. Get things done that bring you riches. With pleasure and excitement. Schedule in that downtime. What feeds...

Accomplishments from the Past Year-Making Magic

Accomplishments from the Past Year-Making Magic

Accomplishments from the Past Year-Making Magic Hello my friend, and here we are on the last day of the year! I love this time of year for reflection and dreaming, journaling, meditating, looking back and looking forward! It's been a busy year for me, both workwise...

Being Like a Tree and Blessings for the Solstice

Being Like a Tree and Blessings for the Solstice

Being Like a Tree First of all, Happy Solstice, up here in the northern hemisphere we are on the longest night of the year, with the return of the light...time to reflect on our achievements from the past year and prepare ourselves for a new beginning. “This is the...

Finding Your Word for the New Year

Finding Your Word for the New Year

Finding Your Word for the New Year Listen to your heart and have belief in yourself…. The new year is a time for reflection and renewal. It's a time to set goals, make plans, and dream big. But it's also a time to take stock of the past year and see what we can learn...

New moon– New Creative Intentions!

New moon– New Creative Intentions!

It’s new moon today… a beautiful time to set those new intentions for this month, or even this coming new year! Is it time for you to focus, OR re-focus, on living a more Creative Life? Is it time for you to find a new voice, some voice from deep within, that has been...

Hopes and Desires

Hopes and Desires

Here we go! We are talking about HOPE in our Dance with Desire group for the next two weeks… I think hope is related to desire, don’t you? What do you hope for? What do you desire? Do those two words feel different to you? I coach my clients and students so much about...

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