Truly knowing how you want to feel, what you want to do, and why you do…is powerful! the WHY is what helps you move forward!
Journaling practice:
Take some time to journal out
- WHY you want to do that thing,
- or have that thing,
- or make a change,
and it will become so much clearer and give you momentum to do it, to ask for it, to create change! Get it out of your head and onto the page!
These are good questions, good prompts, to spend some time with, writing about, and enjoy that process of gaining more clarity for yourself and your desires.
We want to have that clarity, for confidence, for creating what it is we do want, for making that magic in our everyday lives. Thoughts become words become things, the clearer you are, the better you will feel too. And it becomes so fun to play with those words and see what flows from you to that page…
Join me on Tuesdays, 3 PM on zoom-From the Body to the Page…our weekly writing gathering on Zoom…it’s so juicy! For more clarity, for more expression, for creativity, for fun, for inspiration, and to hang out in a super creative circle ( on ZOOM) and share
By the way, after yesterday’s love note to you, did you reach out to anyone? Revisit yesterday’s email here for some inspo…
Enjoy your process of journaling and have a great day, friend! Hope to see you next week!
Questions? Curious about hiring me as your coach? Is now the right time to create some change?
Book a free call (From Chaos to Creativity Call) with me now and see what’s next for you and how I can help!
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thank you for being here, always remember, I love you…
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