Hello beauty…

Last week we talked about who and what you surround yourself with, to inspire and uplift you, instead of drag you down… and how it might be time to declutter yourself, your home, your body, your acquaintances. Lighten the load, baby!

This brings you room for dreaming. When you create more space, do you feel that release of old weight, old stories? It opens you up to listen to those desires that have been on the back burner. Creating some changes. Asking for new things. Dreaming of the things and people you want to be with, be around, and where you want to go. With your life, your vacations, your bucket list, your work. What are your possibilities now that you have lightened up?

You need to create space for those fresh dreams, right? So, as you step into that downtime for dreaming, yes, it really helps to sit down and give yourself some time to close your eyes, and daydream!

What are you wishing for? What is on your bucket list? NOT your to-do list. But your list of desires. Let’s just rename that bucket list… List of desires!

What have you been wanting to do? Where are you desiring to visit? Who do you want to see? This is time for you to step into what pleasures you, or could pleasure you even more! Woo hoo… that’s what I’m talking about. I want you to make a list.

What? Maybe you want to visit the museum. How about a trip to Thailand? Or get a massage? Or cook a vegan meal for your family? Or get new clients? Or share your poetry? Or quit your job, buy a camper van, and travel around the country for a year? What, lovey?

When you think of those things, do you believe you can do them? How bad do you want them? Can you envision them for yourself? This is soooooo important. To see yourself doing these things, or being with these people, or growing your business, or starting your new dance classes. 

Believing in yourself and that you are open to receiving these opportunities, is key! 

That means stepping into your desires, embodying them, and feeling them not only in your head but your heart and soul and belly and body! Asking the universe for what you want and allowing your possibilities to unfold for you…

This feels so delicious! And you can do it, you can have it, you can ask for what you want. Believe it before you see it, there it is, waiting for you… to take the steps (nope, it won’t be handed to you on a silver platter!) to get there, mark it in your calendar, buy the ticket, make the phone call, go grocery shopping, whatever will take you another step into those dreams! Believe that you can have it, because you desire it and it will be so amazing…

You want to continue to feed yourself to bring you joy and to feel freaking great. You’ve got this, you are on your path!

Like I always say,
Movement creates momentum creates your everyday magic!

Today is your day. Make it the best day of your life, my friend.

Have a great week! and go make your list of desires…

Follow my instagram for more love messages and inspirations!


If you are wanting support around taking these steps for yourself, your well-being, and your abundance, I would love to be your coach, who helps guide you into those desires, to make those changes, to give you the tools and has your back… You can email me back here so we can talk about how to move forward with success and joy!

Or book a free call with me to see what is next for you…


UPDATES– I’m on to Mile 25 of my 35 Mile Challenge to raise money for Breast Cancer, to bring awareness and donations for those suffering from this horrid disease.
so I’m asking you to donate anything, $5- $100 or more, everything helps, and gives me more incentive to keep running!
Be my cheerleader! I”m running for all of us
Donate here: