Let’s talk about this mid-life thing!

As a creative woman in your midlife experience, have you spent decades putting the needs of others before your own? Have you been  a caregiver, a breadwinner, a wife, a mother, and a friend? And can’t find time for your own self-care and creative joy?

Now, are you ready for a change? Are you’re ready to quit people-pleasing and step into your own self-care.

It’s not easy to make this transition. You may feel guilty or selfish for putting your own needs first. But it’s important to remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of anyone else.

** I want to offer you a link to watch my FREE webinar! **

I made this for you and I’m excited to share this webinar with you! Make some sacred space for yourself and give this a watch and some thought!

Methods For Creative Women Ready for a 

Mid-Life Transformation To Stop That 

Frustrating Cycle of Guilt To Reclaim Your Time 

Without Overwhelming Anxiety


Click this registration link and grap a cuppa, 

and have a listen…


Quitting people-pleasing and stepping into your own self-care can be a fun and exciting journey!


Methods For Creative Women Ready for a 

Mid-Life Transformation To Stop That 

Frustrating Cycle of Guilt To Reclaim Your Time 

Without Overwhelming Anxiety


Click here and Let me know how I can help. 

Watch my FREE Webinar and let’s talk…


I’m excited to share some ideas with you and assist you into moving into more of your desires and make those changes with ease and fun!

Thanks for being here with me,