YAY!!!! It’s back…

From Chaos to Creativity Online Course- A DIY 5 week course, that I am so excited to offer through Thinkific!

Are you ready to step up and show up, to fully particpate in your dreams and desires?

If you feel like it’s time for a mid-life rewrite, then is online course, From Chaos to Creativity is for you! Because that is what this 5 week course is all about for you, to help you clarify, dive deep, make new habits, take freakin good care of yourself and your dreams, and participate in your desires!

How would it feel to fill yourself up with all your soulful dreams? And take action to make those changes that you feel deep inside? 

This is all about YOU, because you are ready to make some changes and want some tools and inspiration to move forward with focused intention, with clarity, taking daily time for some self-love and inner connection, and  get some real actionable steps that will help you rock your own world!

You will get the tools that I’ve used with hundreds of women, inspiration on every level of you – physical, spiritual, and practical, with the ways to create and activate that new creative vision!  Fulfill your new goals, get satisfaction, and feel the joy life is all about. Your joy.

Become the possibilitarian

With steps and ideas for 

  • Rejuvenating your Daily Practice: Meditate, Percolate, Dance Break
  • How to Rewrite and Change your Story
  • Mapping Out Your Magic Action Plan, your MAP to get you to your not so hidden treasures!

Let’s move you into your Creative Zone of Genius–you can take me home with you, and work with these 5 modules at your home, on your own time, for 5 weeks, or one week, or how ever long you want and forever! 

Because you get to call your own shots here, love, and I want you to commit to yourself to take action. Light up your ideas, your vision, and get out of the clusterf&*k of chaos and uncertainty! To get Illuminated, and that is exciting when you can see your new path and write it the way you want it. And the way you want to do it Plus you will be check into your own intuitive wisdom and getting in real alignment with your desires.


You will:

  • Get clear on the direction you want to go to start your dream creative practice
  • Set up simple techniques for daily self-care and feel like new so you can move forward with ease and joy
  • Build your confidence and momentum to create your desires that will make an impact 
  • Get creative tools to make open up to your prosperity and step into your abundance and rethink your ideas of making money 
  • Learn great ways to take inspired and meaningful action steps so you can continue to build your dream 
  • Transform your sacred rebel self into the prosperous and successful creator of your life 
  • Have more fun while you love and celebrate your life!

With this program, I include a free copy of the PDF of my latest book– From Soulless Job to Creative Abundance to go along withevery week’s materials. That includes 5 Modules, weekly emails full of videos, pdfs, audios.


For the first 10 people that purchase the course, I am including one ½ hour private coaching session with ME to make sure you are starting off on the right track and get to where you want to be, so you can make those changes!


Here is what the five-week modules will help you with:

  1. Week One -– Getting Clarity on your Creative Desires
  2. Week Two — Changing your State – rejuvenation and self-care!
  3. Week Three — Rewriting your Story
  4. Week Four — Looking at Your Money Game
  5. Week Five — Making Your Magic Action Plan


The online DIY course is like taking me home with you to help you get structure,

assorted tools, and some kick-ass discipline so you can gain clarity for what’s next and what you need and want, your creative desires!


This is offered on the Thinkific platform, which I’m so excited to use! It is super easy and tech-friendly, and it’s all right there for you once you purchase and log in! I can’t wait to see how you move forward, quickly, with these proven methods

Five weeks of YOU, with focus, clarity, self-care, inner connection, and actionable steps…

Plus fun and celebration…

only $97.00…

Click here to purchase:  and get started right away!

I am so excited for you to step into your desires, use these tools and take action

with delight and gratitude,

What past creatives have said about my online courses:

​​”The journaling assignments were the most valuable to me, especially the morning pages.  Through the writing, I dug deep and unpacked a lot of stuffed emotions. Those were extremely helpful and I will continue to use this particular exercise and set of questions whenever I feel myself getting stuck. I feel so empowered! “

“I loved the journaling prompts.  Some days were easier than others, but self-examination and gratitude moved me forward. The MAP process was my favorite.  I use this now for the big and small stuff.”

“This course was a wonderful way to ease into a morning practice.  The course challenged me to examine my life and to take loving control of it again.  I am rediscovering my passions and dreams.  They now feel real and obtainable!”