Happy Monday, and how about that full moon?

Wow….just big and beautiful!

I’m thinking a lot about all the things in my life these days… and feeling super full. But sometimes too full…

And for me, that leads to overwhelm and chaos… do you know that feeling?

So I have to listen to my own coaching advice and start to downsize again! Being multi-passionate, I love to do it all, Wonderwoman that I am! But there comes a time when it gets to be too much, and then things to off crazy, and half-assed, and that is NOT how I like to live, work, be. 

So what can I let go of? I have to sort through my passions and schedules and find out what is taking more of my time, but not feeding me the way I like to feel. Time for more clarity on what I want more of, less of, and what really lights me up. You know, I am always talking about being illuminated, living lit up every day. I don’t like to feel pulled down or spread in too many directions.

How about you? What can you say NO to this week, what or who, is not ringing your bells? It’s important to take some time and listen in to your heart, soul, and body, so you can say YES to the things that light you up, the people that inspire you, the work that brings you the most joy and abundance. 

What can you let go of to make more space in your life?
To say yes to you…

Give yourself some time and space to journal it up, to ask yourself those questions about what you are truly desiring, to changes you might want to make, to things you can release that might be holding you back. Prioritize and schedule in YOU time and then commit to bringing yourself more joy and fulfillment…

Enjoy the process and the outcome and see how you feel after making some space… let me know how it goes.

Have a great week!


**If you are needing some guidance, I have made space for you in my coaching calendar! Schedule in that free call with me , From Chaos to Creativity, to see if coaching with me is what will help you move forward now… you and your well-being are important to me! Let’s talk, click here to schedule…https://paulettecoaching.as.me/chaostocreativity

And if you know anyone that these connections may be super in alignment with, please share the love, my friend, forever grateful…