Grateful for you…
The world was strange on Monday! Facebook and Instagram went black for most of the day. When you use them daily, for work, fun, connection, it was very odd to not have them to rely on. That’s one thing I always tell my clients, is to own your email list because you don’t own Facebook! You want to stay in touch with your people, it’s all about your email community.
Like I have here with you my friend. I don’t take my email community list, or YOU for granted. I want to connect with people who I love that you are here, and want to share in bits and pieced of my world as I share them with you. I love dancing with you. I love telling you about what’s going on, I love to write about inspirational and creative ideas, I love developing classes and programs for you. I love networking and sharing other inspirational people with you, like in my Heart and Hustle interviews. I love coming to you live on FB Live, ( when it is working… Since I missed my new time slot on Monday!)
AND I love hearing back from you. I love when you share your stories, your inspirations, your questions. Over in my Dance with Desire women’s private page, or through private messages, or when you join in one of my Masterminds or my NEW journaling class (From the Body to the Page, see more below), or when you become a client so we can work together. Or if you are quietly hanging out… I so enjoy these weekly connections and value your time too…
Anything and everything to make this world a happier place, so we can all live with joy and abundance and love…you with me?
So thanks for being here, thanks for showing up, thanks for staying connected with me, and let me know how I can help you too…
From the Body to the Page…
To journal and explore and share
Go here to register for the monthly subscription, which you can start anytime!! This week’s class was EPIC!!!!
Click here to register…
Join me and let’s talk …
Moved time TO MONDAYS at 12 noon
click on over to here and join me… over on FB,
(on instagram too!)
We always have inspired conversations, with bits of coaching, poetry, lifestyle and magic making, and YOU…
**Make sure to visit my NEW webpage and sign up to receive my weekly updates and blogs and all the creative things!
And share me with anyone you know who would love this stuff 🙂
thank you for being here, I love you…
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