Happy New Year!

What does the new year look like for you? So what’s next, dear one? What are you wanting to build for yourself, to create, as you step into the next phase? Do you have a word that speaks to you of what you want more of? Mine is commitment, I want to act fully on my desires, step into more self-care and more pleasure, redefine my work as I grow as a teacher and as a leader of feminine celebration. I am committed to furthering myself, I want to dance my talk, and be in awe of life! 

There are roads to travel, art to create, community to gather in, classes to be take and taught, food to be make and shared, spirit to connect with, so many paths to journey, and most importantly, YOU taking time for your own expansion, abundance, and allowing the journey to unfold for you.I want you to know that I am here to support you on your journey, and I do have a few options that you may want to know about! 

**For those of you who would like to jump on a call with me next week, I have opened up my Monday and Tuesday (the 2nd and 3rd) calendar– Set up your Actions Steps – for a (free) zoom chat with me so I can help you move into your new creative year! (If you don’t see a time that works for you, pm me and we’ll find one!)

Lets Talk, Schedule it with me now, here.  Giving voice to our intentions always grounds our goals in a deeper way. And asking for support and guidance is invaluable.


It’s time for you to create what you are desiring!

I’d like to share three options of working together in the new year that I am so excited about.



A Women’s Circle for Moving into your Creative Life 

 the Gathering Circle and Mastermind

Starting January 17th, 2023 for 3 months!

There is nothing like being in community with like-minded women, and especially in a magical circle for creative clarity ( emotional, physical, and spiritual), with support, new tools, inspirations, accountability, and action. 

I lead a virtual women’s gathering circle and Mastermind once a year for 3 months, and I invite you to join us this new year as you continue to dive in deeper to your desires!

Become the possibilitarian…
links to register and info coming soon…

First, Schedule that call with me to see if this is what is next for you!



And if you want that intensive beautiful one-on- one coaching with me for 3 months, let’s do this!

  1. Creative Lifestyle Coaching, virtually

Am immersion into yourself and those desires and dreams, 

You and me, 3 months…I will help you take action, get clarity, and manifest what you are wanting!

**Again, book that consult with me to see what is the best way for you to take action! Here…


  1. And lastly, if you love this journaling process, want to dive deeper into your words, explore and express yourself from your heart and soul, 

Please join my weekly 

From the Body to the Page, journaling class on zoom

Join us every Tuesday, 3:00 pm PST on zoom for a magical hour of words and passions…



Alrighty then…let’s gather in the new year, with love, support, clarity, and pleasure!

Happy New Year to you…

Honor all that you are, where you have been, and now, where you want to go…

To live lit up , may you dance with your desires!