Heart and Hustle: Visionary Healers, Movers, and Shakers

with host Paulette Rees-Denis,
and guest wellness expert, Stephanie Lueras,
Episode #139, March 2022

Happy Fun Friday, beautiful!

I love posting my Heart and Hustle interviews on Friday because it gives you the whole weekend to listen and ponder and question and reflect on our conversations!

This conversation with Stephanie is about weight loss and the road to wellness, continuing on the path of being of service as her calling! Sharing her experiences, her journey of transformation is what helps her clients. We all need support, and some of those things you can’t find in the diet industry. She shares her personal path of 8 years of change and how she now works with individuals or corporations to help others for fitness, health, weight, nutrition and their personal goals and paths too. Food, mindset, movement, all the things!

We all have stories to share and to hear and we also talk about how she reaches her people as an entrepreneur, through social media and referrals.

Nourishment and daily self-care, always one of my favorites subjects, and how important it is, and what happens when you don’t do it…oh my…

Watch here:  https://youtu.be/jRkit_LkAeM


More about Stephanie:

Heart and Sole Fitness & Wellness

Body Positive ACE Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist, International Best-Selling Author, and Speaker

After coming to a point in life where she was “sick and tired of being sick and tired,” needed some changes. Through small actions and goal setting, Stephanie Lueras has lost over 200 pounds through balanced nutrition and movement, without the use of restrictive dieting, commercial weight loss plans, or supplements. She has gained a love of endurance sports, running marathons, and is currently training for Ironman-distance races. She uses this same holistic goal-setting model in working with clients in groups and individually to empower people to break down the everyday barriers that exist so they can achieve what they are working towards for their best personal wellness.

Stephanie specializes in beginner and adaptive fitness, aiding those of all sizes, age, condition/illness, and ability to consistency with their personal movement and nutrition goals. She enjoys incorporating bodyweight resistance training into workouts, so many workouts require no or minimal equipment. She is also a TRX Suspension System Instructor, SilverSneakers Fitness Instructor, and SilverSneakers Nutrition Facilitator. In 2022, she is also completing her Kundalini Yoga certification and Orthopedic Exercise Specialist Program.


AND, She has a FREEBIE for you, my beautiful listeners!

Freebie: Free 30min call to discuss your wellness needs–can be scheduled at



Alrighty, have a fun Friday and a great rest of your weekend, thanks for listening and watching and see you next week!


Watch and Listen, Enjoy and please subscribe:

Youtube link:


It’s YOU time, Yes, You Girl! This daily self-care journey has been ongoing now for over a month, with inspirations and actions and questions for you to take every day for your self-awareness path! Enjoy and share…

And today’s action is:

What do I always say?!
Thoughts become words become things… from the body to the page, to manifestation. What you think, what you say, how you talk about yourself is your reality, and your choice! Words are so important…
Today… how about you write a list of who you are, ( remember, you are your own best friend and you are loving yourself more and more every day, following all these daily self-care tips!) and say only positive and wonderful things about you… I am_________, I am_______________, I am________________.
Bring in more of who you want to be and how you want to show up for yourself! Share with me what you write…
Here is mine…
I am a dancing goddess. I am a powerhouse of creativity. I am a fabulous coach to creative women. I run a successful business, I surround myself with amazing people. ( and carry on with as much as you can!)

Join us in my private women’s group on FB, Dance with Desire, and get your every day moving forward with your beautiful energy while feeling better and better! More connection with yourself, finding more words to ask for and describe what you want, stepping into more self-love time, and participating in your own well-being!

Join us here… https://www.facebook.com/groups/danceanddesire


Please share me with anyone you know who would love this stuff 🙂 and join in the conversations…

thank you for being here, always remember, I love you…