Happy Monday!
What are you wanting to create in your world?

What is creativity?

“Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something somehow new and somehow valuable is formed. “

“the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.”

“Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.”

Lots of ideas and definitions for creativity, the idea of creation, the act of creating.

Yet, so many people say things like, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” or “I’m not very creative”. Have you said that? Or ever heard someone say that?

But really, every day is a creative act. Everything you do in some way is being creative. Cooking a meal is creative. Getting dressed is creative. Think about it. It’s not just about creating an art piece outside of yourself, but you are an act of creation.

 I do believe it is how you perceive and value your life. How you set your mind up every day. How you check in with yourself and give yourself You time. To listen in, to be aware, to be conscious, connected. To be creative. To be committed…

It is how you honor yourself and your thoughts, your acts, your desires. 

We can easily blow ourselves off, belittle ourselves, talk bad about ourselves. That is the inner critic rearing its ugly head. “I’m not good enough.” “I’m not talented”. “I’ll never make more money.”  Blah, blah, blah…

Being able to love yourself, taking the time for yourself is all about the act of self-love, of self-creation, or re-creation. The ultimate in self-care. Doing the things that make you feel good can help to shift your mindset. Can help you enjoy your life and fall back in love with yourself. Because feeling good is really what we all want, every day. Why would you not want to feel good?

Of course, I talk about lots of ways of feeling good, of raising your energy, of taking better care of yourself, and your desires, with my students and clients all the time. Moving your body is a top priority. Meditation is taking time to quiet down and check-in. And a daily habit of gratitude is key. 

Journaling is one of the best habits you can create for yourself, to get things out of your head, your body, and on the page. A beautiful act of creation.


Why don’t you join my free Masterclass today and do some journaling with us, in our intimate group on Zoom? From the Body to the Page

Time to step  out of the box, dive into your curiosity, and take some time to be creative!

**Register at this link

Today, Monday, at 3:00 pm (PT), we’ll meet for an hour on zoom, and I will get your writing down some ideas, using prompts to get you thinking, and yes, a bit of creative writing! Create a new habit for yourself, unscramble your brain, get some creative juices flowing, and enjoy this time for you!

I’d love to see you there. And if you can’t make it today, register anyway and I’ll send you the replay!

From the Body to the Page!

Thoughts become words become things!

You might even find out that you enjoy journaling and will start a new habit…
and you don’t have to be a writer to join us…all are welcome.

**But you do need to pre-regsiter, at this link,
to get your private zoom link for the class, which will be recorded if you can’t make it, but showing up in person is soooo good!

Join me, it’s FREE, and I’d love to have you in class.
click here to let me know you are joining us!

In the meantime, breathe deep and give yourself some love today!


***Join me at noon today for my FB Live, right here, and let’s talk!

Now, Mondays at noon (PST)

**Make sure to visit my NEW webpage and sign up to receive my weekly updates and blogs and all the creative things!

And share me with anyone you know who would love this stuff 🙂

thank you for being here, I love you…