and a fabulous day to you…

Have you ever taken time to redefine your values?

What is new for you? How you want to feel? Making yourself feel beautiful and about how fabulous you are, while you are looking in the mirror, or going on a walk?

I recommend it, highly! Because we change, and we forget sometimes what is more important to us this new day. And what doesn’t serve us anymore. And just to pump ourselves up, because we have to be the ones who truly looks at ourselves, inside and out.

These are great journaling questions…

  • How do you feel about your work?
  • About your life?
  • About your surroundings?
  • About your relationships?
  • What values do you hold sacred?

Write them down, and then stand up and say them out loud! It will make you feel like the powerhouse you are. And help you to move forward into more of who you are today.

This is what I wrote the other day…
(and by the way, we do things like this in my monthly journaling class, coming up this Saturday! see below)

I believe

I believe in the power of support

I believe in the power of connection

I believe in the power of coaching

Of being held and seen and heard


I believe in my dreams

And the manifestation of them

I believe in my continuing expansion

I believe that I am never done

I believe that I am never alone

I believe in so much more

More beauty

More Creativity

More possibilities

More opportunities

Opening up to the desires

And how I want to feel

I believe in being of service to others

Of giving back

To all living beings

I know my superpowers

Are support, wisdom, integrity, creative thinking and enthusiasm

I believe in the power of my own self-expression

I believe in adventure and pleasure and adornment

Self-love and self-care

I believe in the power of clarity

Thoughts become words become things

I believe in expressing out loud

I know I am a badass, money magnet, and sacred rebel

I believe you are here to do it too,

Do and be all the things you desire

Things you dream of, have lost hope in

I believe your dreams are worthy

Of showing face

No more stopping

Mno more hiding

No more waiting

I believe there’s nothing better than continuing the journey


Saying it boldly

Going after those lately elusive dreams

Investing in yourself

Taking time to leap

Releasing the fear of failure

Or the fear of success

Taking a risk

In your one and only precious life

To do what feeds your heart, body, and soul

Be a dream weaver

Mingling the threads of uncertainty

Until they form a tapestry of confidence and light

How do you want to feel

I know

I want to feel energy

Lit up

Everyday alive

I want to be awed by possibilities and life

Of the mundane everyday and the exuberant aliveness

To be a possibilitarian

I want to feel great in my skin

A body of soul

Of sacred devotion

Moving with my own rhythms of pleasure and delight


Of connection to my divine feminine

With a heart bursting with love and gratitude

And a soul of deep connection

To self and spirit and all past

Those who have come before

Who have helped to lead the way

Lay down an idea of roads to follow

All present, now, present

And all future, with the path I have laid

To have a legacy

To make an impact

To have a voice

To make a difference

To feel the joy and awakeness of life

To live full-on

What say you? Will you commit to yourself to dive in and express your new values? Come on!

Living full-on,

What’s coming up?
Join us for our monthly journaling class on April 27th, 9:30-11:30am on Zoom
Our writing session…
From the Body to the Page and Making Magic with our Words…
Our theme this month is Create Your Own Magic!
How do we create our magic? And what do we want to do to step into the place of being sacred and magical?
So excited…make sure to get registered asap…
In our intimate circle of writers, online, together with inquisitive and creative prompts, we write, we often read aloud to share, we experiment with different styles of writing and journaling, some rambling, some poetic verse, story telling and character building, mystical and magical imagery, and deep dives into our own lives.
Letting our muse take us to that special place of expression, creating magic with our words.
With writing time to really sink into yourself and your words…delicious…new beginnings… you, and me, and us, and our sacred circle of creatives…
We step into your deeper Wildness with journaling prompts, poetic phrases, oracle pulls, envisioning and meditations, energy shifts, and using that beautiful inner breath of inquiry.
We let words be your medicine as you sink into your own rhythm of writing, your ritual of being, your magic-making manifestations…
Let’s write together…and become the cultivator, the creator, of your life as you move forward, while you write and dance with your desires!
You can register here:


If you are needing some support, and feel ready to make some changes in your life, book that free strategy call so we can get you in alignment with your desires!

Finding your new voice! click here…