Lion’s Gate and Monday Manifestation!

It’s time to Manifest!

Hello love and happy Monday… 

And it’s about today being Lion’s Gate… August 8th… 

(really this period goes from July 28 through August 12, but today is the most powerful day!)

A time for you to call in what you are wanting… and create it!

It’s also the Strength card in the tarot, with the Lion and goddess, and is about overcoming obstacles, being courageous, and gaining mastery over your emotions and ideas. 

What have you been desiring? 

Do you know? Can you connect with your deeper self, your heart and soul, and know what you want next? Perhaps you want more time to acknowledge making a change. Or have you been afraid to ask for what you are truly wanting? I ask you to take some time today, just for yourself, and get out your journal, or a notepad, and write a list of some of those things you would like, or all of them, or just one big one!

A new creative adventure, a new car, a new job, more cashola, a stronger body, more quiet time, a lifestyle coach (!), your own business, more clients, time to honor yourself, etc…

What? And why today?

Today is auspicious because of the extra energy swirling around. Lion’s Gate is when  Leo Sun, Sirius star, and Orion’s Belt are all lining up with our Mother Earth. This is a day to bring in some extra Leo the Lion energy – full of power, transformation, passion, sexuality, generosity, creativity and LOVE! Create a portal of energy…

Manifesting what you desire is about knowing what it is,  knowing why you want it, and asking for it. Believing in yourself and your dreams and being willing to step up, sometimes out of your comfort zone, sometimes by investing in yourself, sometimes asking for help, and allowing yourself time and space for moving forward. 

You can become a magnet for what you ask for!  So take some time today, this week, to focus on those dreams, more intensely, with more clarity, and know that you are worth all of it. Focus! Ask, baby!

How’s that for a little Monday motivation?

And my friend, if you are wanting some support and guidance for those next steps toward your desires, or want some more clarity and tools to make a change, schedule in that free consult call with me…

Your free Discovery Call with me — From Chaos to Creativity! is a free 30 minute call!  

 Click here…and Let’s talk! What are you desiring?

I am excited to be of service to you, to possibly work together in the future as your coach, and help you achieve your creative abundance, the job of your dreams and desires!


So, dear one, happy manifesting! Let me know what comes up for you, what you are asking for, and how you are moving forward with those desires!


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