Hellooooo my lovely,

My musings…thinking about the creative process and feeling good

A famous quote from Anais Nin, one of my heroes:

“and the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

A while back, and several times over the past few years, I took a retreat for myself and my writing, and it was sublime. An awesome thing for me to do for myself, and I needed time to check in with my creativity and where my writing was taking me. Some of you who have been around this blog and me for some time (so much gratitude that you are here!) and know that I have written my blogs (for a zillion years), written magazine articles, developed and produced several online courses, while teaching writing, creative renewal, and fulfillment, And delightfully I have written and published 4 books and 5 Anthologies( with contributions from many of you creative souls-so freakin cool), and even in the past, published a Tribal dance based ‘zine that in a physical format for years- any of you have copies of those vintage mags?

Along with bits of poetry that I have shared with you, I keep journals like a mad woman! And you KNOW how I am always trying to get you to write, journal, and share your thoughts and stories!

So what I want to share with you… is that I finally came out as a poet a few years back! Sounds funny, but I have written these bits for years, songs, snippets, and poetry, but never thought too much about it. But when I was at my retreat, the words flowed out of me like lava, heat waves pouring through my fingers from my heart and soul, without me stopping to pause about what I was writing. And it hit me, that, YES, I was, in fact, a poet. Lyrical prose, if you will. I continued on my own studies, receiving my Master’s Degree in Writing and Publishing, at age 50, and now I can say I have published 4 books…And now I can surely call myself a poet, and a writer, but importantly, I journal…and how cool it was to stare at my words and say, wow… this is what I write, what I see and hear and share… And it was liberating and full of freedom and soul, and ME! And how fun to say it out loud. And I am now working on my 2nd poetry book! ( The first one is : Breaking Down the Walls, available through me and also through Amazon, as are all my books)

So I write my poems and allow the connection with my soul, my angels, my guides, the powers that be, to ALLOW the words to flow freely, with deepness, meaning, and intention, but from a source deep within. And to allow it to be.

And I attribute my connection, this deeper awareness, to my feeling good, my whole being and well-being and taking good care of myself so that my highest self, my creative self can shine through, in all I do, not just my poetry, or my writing, or my dance, or my teaching, or my loving, or my friendships…ALL of what I do…

Because if I don’t feel good, none of that will happen, not with a trueness, an authenticness, a richness, a me-ness! And I soooo want that…and that is treating my body as my temple. and allowing the love to flow… the pleasure to unfold, to feel good!

You’ve heard, or read, about my self-care rituals, daily practice, and how I feel about taking care of my temple, and my body, so that I can dance, I can run, I can write, I can teach, I can love fully. I always want to share with you what I know and find to be useful, so you too, my students, friends, and coaching clients, to live up to your fullest life too. And I want to take care of myself in the simplest way possible so I do have time and space to create and do what I need and want to do.

And THAT is my theme this week, or perhaps this month…

Body as Temple = Temple of Love

I talked about it on my Lively Conversation this week, and it will be my focus in our writing class this Saturday, did you miss my live? here is the replay:

Beyond the Ordinary:: From the Body to the Page

Join us this Saturday, to really dive into your words, letting your body express, your mind release,
your creativity blossom…
Click here for our 2 hour class this month:
Saturday, 9-11 am PST, on Zoom

We will write, we will read aloud to share, we will experiment with different styles of writing and journaling, with rambling, poetic verse in different forms, mystical and magical imagery,
and deep dives into our own lives.
Writing ourselves into being present, showing up,
and letting our muse take us to that special place of expression.
June 10th- theme is Body as Temple=Temple of Love
then two more….July 15th, August 12th
With time to really sink into yourself and your words…delicious…new beginnings… you, and me, and us, and our sacred circle of creatives…we step into your deeper Wildness with journaling prompts, poetic phrases, oracle pulls, energy shifts, with that beautiful inner breath of inquiry, letting words be your medicine as you sink into your own rhythm of writing,  your ritual of being,  your magic making manifestations…

let’s write together…and become the cultivator, the creator, of your life as you move forward, while you dance with your desires!

$17 for one two-hour class, by drop-in, pre-registration is necessary

Join us now! I am delighted to write with you, and help you step into more of your creativity and truth and fun with your words!
Click here, only $17 bucks for  two hours of YOU time, and creating with your words! 

Feeling good in my body gives me creative freedom! And energy and clarity! I could not do what I do, accomplish what I do, create what I do, step into my abundance, and coach and teach my students and clients, if I did not feel good and my body did not allow me pleasure and freedom! And to honor my temple, which is really all I have.

Do you need clarity and feeling good? You are the one who knows, really knows what you need and want. Listen to your body and give it what it asks for. I just want you to step up, with your creativity, your art. and your well-being so you can feel great and do what you are here to do, and we can cruise through this fabulous life together.

“Sister, open your heart, fling your hopes high and set your dreams aloft.
I am here to hold your hand.”
Maya Angelou

Now about that creativity!
Julia Cameron, another one of my heroes, writes in one of my fav books, The Artist’s Way, about creative spirituality! Here is a brief excerpt for you to dive into!

She writes:
“The following spiritual principles are the bedrock on which creative recovery and discovery can be built. Read them through once a day, and keep an inner ear cocked for any shifts in attitudes or beliefs.

Basic Principles:

1. Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy.

2. There is an underlying, in-dwelling creative force infusing all of life — including ourselves.

3. When we open ourselves to our creativity, we open ourselves to the creator’s creativity within us and our lives.

4. We are, ourselves, creations. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves.

5. Creativity is God’s gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God.

6. The refusal to be creative is self-will and is counter to our true nature.

7. When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves to God: good orderly direction.

8. As we open our creative channel to the creator, many gentle but powerful changes are to be expected.

9. It is safe to open ourselves up to greater and greater creativity.

10. Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source. As we move toward our dreams, we move toward our divinity.”

Fabulous… “There is an underlying, in-dwelling creative force infusing all of life — including ourselves.”–speaks to my soul…how about you?

And thanks for being here…I’ll share some of my new poems with you soon…, as I am working on my next book this summer.  Let me know  if I can guide you with some Movement, Momentum, and Magic Life Coaching…I still have a few opening this summer for my 3 month package… click here for a free chat with me about what you are desiring to step into…
And enjoy your days and nights, may your creativity flourish!


Love you



Sign up now for our Saturday From the Body to the Page journaling class… see you on Zoom this weekend!
Click here, only $17 bucks for  two hours of YOU time, and creating with your words!