Good stuff going on this week over here in Paulette land,  and I’m setting my week up now for ease and clarity and pleasure, while I get things done.

How will you get your week off with beautiful intentions?
It’s almost officially spring… and we’ve got a new moon a coming…

Take some time to sit down with yourself, get your journal out, and write with these prompts…
What are you wanting to have more of in your life?
This is the time to clarify, write it down, and call it to you…
Will you allow it in, is the big question!

Let’s talk about it…
Join me Monday, at 2:00 pm PST for another Lively Conversation!
on FB-
and also on Insta at
a little chat, a poetry reading, oracle card pulling,
See you then

How fun is this???

Have you had a chance to listen to me being interviewed
on Empathic Mastery?
I am so honored to be a guest on Jennifer Elizabeth Moore‘s podcast, the Empathic Mastery Show that aired on Friday!
“In this conversation, we explore Paulette’s journey, the difference between being highly sensitive and an empath, and how to create a safe container for yourself and others.
So, let’s dive in and learn more about the inspiring Paulette Rees-Denis.”


Are you ready to take your journaling to the next level?
From the Body to the Page
You can join my weekly class, Tuesdays, 3:00 pm PST on Zoom and write with us for an hour of inspired prompts and profound sharing! truly a magical hour you can have every week…
just click here to join us…

Are you ready for some coaching time with me?

Are you wanting to create some new changes?
Let’s step into this new moon time with some magic,
self-care, and your desires!
and get YOU on your calendar…

Curious about how that would look for you, your time, and your investment?
I want to talk with you to see if this could be the right next step for you to take new action!.
Please schedule that free consultation now with me so we can talk about what you are wanting. Click here…

Alright my love, thank you for taking the time to read and listen deep to your heart and body this week…

Have a blessed week,