Transformational Lifestyle and Creativity CoachingWhat does it mean to embody your dreams?
To feel so deeply what you are desiring, to feel it in your body, to let the vision unfold for you so that you can bring it to you, become a magnet!

You must project abundance
to attract abundance!

And that means clarifying, to be super clear on what you are truly wanting, to be able to rewrite your story, especially now, my love, as we grow older and change our habits, patterns, visions.

And it is all good, all ok, all even fabulous!

Our bodies change, our values tighten up, and that also means shifting our mindset to our new longings!

And you might need to slay some dragons on the way…

Letting go of old stories, releasing obstacles and people that are holding you back, and quit self-sabotage!

This can be delightful…

to awaken something that has been sleeping, to remember, or to find that entirely new you in colorful togs to enliven your entire spirit,  with pens and paintbrushes to unleash that inner creative goddess, and airplanes to whisk you to new adventures, woks and mushrooms to stirfry up some uber delicious and healthy eats, and brick and mortar buildings housing your new creations!

Is it time to embody those new desires?
and let go of the overwhelm, the chaos in your brain, the people-pleasing guilt, the body that does not make you feel beautiful and powerful, the job that deadens your spirit, that the lethargy and tiredness of the same ole same ole…

What gives, lovey?

What’s next? You get to choose, you get to make a decision, to move forward, to take those baby steps, or giant leaps.

Time for YOU!


I am here to support you, to hear you, to help shift what you are now desiring in your life!
Do you need some guidance, some healing, and more clarity with your dreams and desires, to move from procrastination and that stuck feeling to fulfillment and abundance?
I would love to offer you a FREE Strategy Session —
Finding Your New Voice,

to get your magical mojo happening, with me now —

Let’s talk! What are you desiring?

Finding your voice is a journey of self-discovery. It is about finding what you are passionate about and sharing that with the world. It is about being yourself and not being afraid to speak up. It is about being patient and not giving up on your dreams.
I am excited to be of service to you, to possibly work together in the future as your coach, and help you achieve your creative abundance, the job of your dreams and desires!

L.S. writes to me: thank you, you’re amazing, you help me through the toughest of tough, you’re my big guns , but not lethal, lifegiving!

P.S.J. writes to me: You have made a lasting and positive impact on the lives of many women, including me…

M. N. says: I’ve been working with Paulette as my coach and it has made a HUGE difference in my life. I’ve learned so much in just a few sessions and really recommend her if you are ready to open yourself up to amazing possibilities!

Let’s have that phone call and find out what is next for you!
Schedule in a 30-minute consult with me so I can help you get out of overwhelm and into more creative joy!
Schedule your call with me, Click the link 
Get YOU on your calendar with me, and let’s work together to get your creative juices flowing now!