Journaling, writing, and getting thoughts out of your head and onto the page, is such a gratifying experience. Clearing the clutter, making sense, creating something poetic, or profound, or silly even…

I want to bring more of the written word to you, weekly, (another reason why I teach a weekly journaling class online, to get out of the head and the body, and onto the page…(join here) to share in the beauty of the word, the exploration, the release, and also the contribution from the heart and soul.

Words, poems, stories, quotes. Inspiration, motivation, energy lifting, beauty seeking, soul sharing, deep diving… it’s all there, within  you, within me, and to open up and let it flow, self-expression, with the silent voice…

This week I’m sharing a piece I wrote… on this Solstice day, of the longest day, as we slowly, relunctatly, return to the dark…

Dancing in the Dark

by Paulette Rees-Denis


Dancing in the Dark

To come into the light

After having fallen into the deep crevices

Of unknowingness

Desiring to shimmy up and out

To find the way, to ignite the spark

To light the torch

To illuminate my path

Like the hermit with her lantern

That will lead me forward, to


to surefooted freedom

Touching and moving without seeing

Listening to the calls of the hidden one

Deep within

Moving with the flow

Trusting in the dark

And trusting that spark

that inner glimmer of wisdom

To find my way

To feel the ritual of unfolding

The blindfolds come off


The beginning of the light…

enjoy my friends, and as always I would love to hear your thoughts, your takeaways, or read your words too… sharing is enlightening…


Thanks for being here,


From the Body to the Page!

And if you are wanting to do some more writing, or get your journaling practice happening, you can join my Tuesday weekly class, From the Body to the Page! Join us for our weekly virtual journaling/writing class, with adventurous prompts and inspired sharing, time for you to dive into your words and your self-expression!

 Our once-a-week gathering on Zoom with focused time to journal to the varied prompts of poetry, stories, magic and soul-searching phrases!

Time to write together and time to read aloud your journaling, with no critique or judgment, only encouragement and support. This is time for you to take the pen to the page, perhaps with some body movement, while you listen deep within, and enjoy this hour of YOU and your creativity unfolding.

From Chaos to Creativity

a 5 week DIY to move your from stuck to fabulous, at home, on your own time, with me! 

So check it out, read more here, and get your copy, plus a free copy of my book, From Soulless Job to Creative Abundance, when you sign up for the course!

Click here…


You are always invited to Join my Email Community for Creatives

Sign up now and receive my free masterclass and learn how to create your own

Magic Action Plan

(your MAP) with ideas for making change and moving forward with your delicious desires.

Stay connected for inspiration, support, coaching, and all the love!


**As always, feel free to pass on my contact information to someone who would benefit from my work! Thanks for that too…and remember, I love you!