What does being abundant mean to you?

I was thinking about the word, abundance. I wrote about it in my last book ( From Soulless Job To Creative Abundance: Finding Prosperity From Your Art). I think the word has different meanings to many people. Positive and negative meanings. Abundance. Money. Riches, Wealth, More, Having, Large quantity, affluence, plentiful, too much, overflowing, copious, sinful, lack of, scarcity. Got a few more?

You can get into different mindsets about it too. Desiring more abundance, Dreaming of having more. Wanting more money.  Or the I can’t ever have enough, I’m not good enough to be rich, I’ll never make more money. I can’t have that luxury, I feel the lack of, Rich people are snobs, I’m a starving artist, imposter syndrome… all the stories.

What is your abundance story? Are you allowing your abundance to come to you? Or do you keep stopping yourself? Putting up blocks. Self-sabotaging your desires. Thinking you aren’t worthy of having more of what you want?

We all deserve to have what we want, our desires, in our work, our life, our lifestyle. There are ways to shift your mindset, and open yourself up to receive what you dream of. Allow yourself to have it.

Let’s rewrite your story.

Are you ready for a new story? As your coach, I help you rewrite your story, your desires, your work, your life, as you truly want it to be. To change your story, shift your mindset, step into your abundance and creativity.

That’s why I created this new masterclass for you. To show you a new way of leaning into your abundance.

Let’s breakthrough those old stories. And redefine and rewrite them the way you really want to show up. So you truly participate in your life as you want it.

Join me in this exciting masterclass 

Wednesday, April 6th, 11 am (PST)!

We’ll meet on zoom for one hour and we’ll go through ways for you to write your new story so you can allow your beautiful abundant desires to unfold with ease and clarity. 

**You have to pre-register for this masterclass. It will be recorded for you too, even if you can’t make that time. Being there in person is powerful juju too!

Click this link to register – only $17 to join me for this juicy hour!


Steps to your Breakthrough, Lean Into Your Abundance:

Honor yourself and your desires. Listen in deep. You will get tools and inspiration to help you move forward with soulful and clear intentions on your desires, as you learn to allow your abundance to flow to you! 

Join me Wednesday, April 6th, 11:00 am pst on zoom…bring your journals! Click here to register!

I want to get you on that path of glorious fulfillment, action, and abundance! I’ve got you…

See you soon!