Happy weekend my friend!
As February comes to a close, as spring is just around the corner, my life and work have exploded with extra goodness and great activities, which I am excited to share with you! When everything is just in alignment with your visions and desires, it feels so right, so good and juicy, and so fresh and new too! Do you know that feeling?
I love to share my classes and workshops with you so you can join me, but also to inspire you to step into your dreams and desires, don’t give up, keep going after what you want. These times are different and you are making a change for your new visions. It is time to create more of what you crave!
And that is what I am doing too!
In Person classes
Join us, Paulette Rees-Denis Dana Saraswati, and Tamara Warman for this renewing 4-week healing series in Palm Springs
Mondays, starting March 6th, 2023, 6-7:30 pm
Step into our spring emersion toward self-renewal and exploration
A mindful gathering to bring in more clarity, joy, abundance, and self-care
We will guide you with self-realization exercises to enhance personal wellness and growth to move forward with clear intentions
You will come away with more clarity for what’s next for you, lightness and self-love, and inspirations of what your new possibilities for the coming season of spring can be!
To be a possibilitarian…
:: spring reset ::release, renew, rewrite
The three of us combine our passions and expertise to share tools for transformation and healing and pleasure!
Using movement, meditation, journaling, sound healing, focus, and sharing, we step weekly into our sacred circle to we gather in our sacred circle setting intentions for spring renewal,
To dance with your desires with an exciting variety of soulful activities, using a gardening metaphor for each week.
❖ Release the unwanted past with a burn ceremony
❖ Use moving meditations and movement ffor centering and grounding
❖ Use Breathwork for clarity, refreshed energy and cleansing
❖ Bring our thoughts and dreams into words into manifestation through mindful journaling and visualization
Mondays, starting March 6th, 2023, 6-7:30 pm
This is a progressive 4-week series!
For the weekly schedule go here:
I have started teaching in-person classes again here in the desert, my Global Caravan Tribal Bellydance weekly classes, which has got me flying high with so many wonderful folks coming to my class and loving it like I do! Building a new community, getting physical action in these magnificent bodies, connecting with the divine in each of us and in our dancing circle!
Next session starts this coming Tuesday, Feb 28th, 5:45, for 6 weeks in Palm Desert
**Watch for my monthly women’s circle gathering for New Moon…
both virtual and in person!**
**A new poetry book of mine is in the works! It’s been a while since my 4th book was published, so it is time, my friend!
**And what about a retreat to Costa Rica… in process!
Think writing, movement, meditation, retreat and spa time, dance, yoga, and more writing! Ocean, wildness, and YOU!
Lively Conversations with Paulette
(I’m BACK!)
Join me for my weekly virtual circle of love and inspiration with you, gathering with fresh ideas and a new approach to talk with you about all the things!
Lifestyle, Change, Healing, Dance, Writing, Creativity, Connection, and Community
(what would you like to talk about?)
With inspirations, coaching, card pulling, and journaling prompts- let’s make some magic together!
My new once-weekly Live on FB
Mondays, 2 pm, PST, click here:
and on Instagram
I hope you can join me, live, ( yes, athere is lways a replay but having you there with me is more fun!) because I love to hear your thoughts! I love the energy of gathering in circle even virtually,, to empower, share, dive in deep, and these times, bring your journals!! I am always asking you to write down what’ shakin for you!
From the Body to the Page, Weekly virtual writing class!
Tuesday, 3:00 pm PST on Zoom
Join us for our weekly virtual journaling/writing class, with adventurous prompts and inspired sharing, time for you to dive into your words and your self-expression!
Our once-a-week gathering on Zoom with focused time to journal to the varied prompts of poetry, stories, magic and soul-searching phrases!
Time to write together and time to read aloud your journaling, with no critique or judgment, only encouragement and support. This is time for you to take the pen to the page, perhaps with some body movement, while you listen deep within, and enjoy this hour of YOU and your creativity unfolding.
- Are you desiring to build a writing habit?
- Spend an hour with other creatives wanting to express something from within
- Wanting to take some time to release ideas from your body and head
- Give some focus to those poetic phrases or conversations
- Not sure what you want to write about
- Join in our private FB group to, for sharing and support and connection.
This is the time and place for you to gather in a divine community, which is so powerful and supportive, get some momentum, be inspired, and enjoy the process!
No experience necessary, all levels of writing welcome. Together we can build our tribe of creative women with creation, self-expression, and inspiration!
Have a magical and blessed weekend!
Always, I am here for you…
**If you are needing some guidance, I have made space for you in my coaching calendar! Schedule in that free call with me , From Chaos to Creativity, to see if coaching with me is what will help you move forward now… you and your well-being are important to me! Let’s talk, click here to schedule…https://paulettecoaching.as.me/chaostocreativity
And if you know anyone that these connections may be super in alignment with, please share the love, my friend, forever grateful…
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