Hello there,
Being a Word Witch
Words have power. They can heal, they can wound, they can inspire, and they can destroy. As a word witch, I use the power of words to create positive change in the world. In my world. In my life.
What is a word witch?
A word witch is someone who uses words intentionally and consciously to create a desired outcome. We believe that words are more than just a means of communication; they are also a form of magic. Of shifting energy, of manifesting desires, of creating stories.
What do word witches do?
Word witches use words to:
- Heal: We use words to comfort, support, and inspire ourselves and often others. We use words to create a safe and welcoming space for journaling, quietly, intimately, , and sometimes share our stories.
- We use words to clear our brains, release toxic thoughts, look at what is real, and rewrite our stories.
- Journaling can be inspirational, clearing, healing, making space in ourselves for something new, releasing old stuck stories and beliefs, and having a good time creating for ourselves.
- Empower: We use words to help us find our newer voice and speak our truth. We use words to encourage ourselves to stand up for what we believe in, especially as we get older and our values change.
- Transform: We can use words to challenge the status quo and create a more just and equitable world.
- We use words to plant seeds of change and to manifest our dreams into reality.
How can you become a word witch?
Anyone can become a word witch. All you need is a willingness to use your words intentionally and consciously.
- Pay attention to your words: Notice the words you use in everyday conversation. Are they positive or negative? Do they build others up or tear them down?
- Choose your words carefully: When you speak, take a moment to think about the words you are using. Choose words that are kind, compassionate, and empowering.
- Use your words to create positive change: Use your words to stand up for what you believe in. Use your words to challenge injustice and to create a more just and equitable world.
As I always say
thoughts become words become things!Want to dive in more?
Being a word witch is a powerful way to make a positive impact on the world. By using our words intentionally and consciously, we can create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.
We start next week for our 6 week summer journaling class, on zoom, on Tuesdays, 3-4:30 pm PST, starting June 4th! Yes, time for you to write, with prompts, questions, ramblings, poetry, and more…
This session’s focus:
Your Sacred Temple:: From the Body to the Page
Whether you are a seasoned writer, curious about journaling, and ready for some fun, creative exploration, these weekly sessions are inspired, fun, provocative, and we are focusing on writing about bodies, our bodies, our temple, our sacredness, our divine feminineness and desires!
Let’s get into our journaling mode together and become that word witch to discover the power of your own words and thoughts that shape your reality, bring you clarity and joy, and release those creative thoughts.
This Summer, together let’s unleash YOUR Creativity and get those juices flowing! From the body to the page…
Say YES! To yourself this summer!
Here are the deets!
Starts Tuesday June 4th, 3-4:30pm PST
- 6 weekly sessions, each 1 1/2 hours long
- Be in an intimate and safe circle
- A combination of guided journaling exercises, discussions, and personal reflection
- Plus our private FB group room to share with each other
- Only $90 for all six weeks and replays for each week
- DATES: Starting June 4th, then on the 11th, 25th, July 2nd, 9th, 16th ( no class on June 18th)
It will be a juicy 1 ½ hour weekly class on Zoom where I give journaling prompts and we have time to write, and dive into ramblings, thoughts, poetry, desires about our body…
our body as temple, different methods and exploration!
Excited to share this journey with you,
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