My sacred feminine beauty

My sacred feminine beauty

Would you like to write something like this? Join us on this 6 week journey! This is one of my Life Shorts I wrote awhile back! This comes from forming a practice, using prompts to dive in and unload those words from inside! I feel holy… I feel whole, I feel holy...
I believe…Paulette’s Musings

I believe…Paulette’s Musings

Greetings! and a fabulous day to you… Have you ever taken time to redefine your values? What is new for you? How you want to feel? Making yourself feel beautiful and about how fabulous you are, while you are looking in the mirror, or going on a walk? I recommend...
A full moon poem for you today!

A full moon poem for you today!

I haven’t written much poetry lately, not feeling the vibe, but my word juju is coming back, which now feels so delicious, as it is still a practice, and one must take time to focus, and make time to write… how about you and your daily practices? So today...