Friday, What is rocking my world?

Friday, What is rocking my world?

July 15th What is rocking my world? Celebrating Jeff and my’s 38th wedding anniversary, and at the place in Wisconsin where we got married! How about that? So fun, special, lots of good memories, and more to come… ~~~~~~~~~~ Have you heard of Commune yet? They have...
Friday What is rockin’ my world!

Friday What is rockin’ my world!

And it’s JULY!!!! Friday July 1st… what’s rocking today– women, photography, tv binging, a fab recipe from Cinzia and Asif, and the power of words… enjoy peeps! ~~~~~~~~~~ Strong women! Omg, check out this woman and her book! She was Secret Service and...
Friday What is rockin’ my world!

What’s rockin’ my world!

Friday the 24th…Happy Solstice week! Kicking off summer here for sure… and I’m getting ready to go on a very long road trip, in fact, I’ll be unplugging for much of July! Something I’ve never done for longer than a day… to get disconnected from my computer…woo hoo…I’m...